
Illegal migration has recently become a huge talking point on the world stage. From nationalist leaders railing against illegal migrants, to news reports of people dying while trying to make the treacherous sea crossing from North Africa to Europe, the plight of those trying to escape to other countries to make better lives for themselves is a controversial issue. Ethiopia, with one of the largest refugee populations in the world, is also one of the biggest points of outflow for migrants. But different bodies are trying to protect these vulnerable migrants from the traffickers and smugglers who are trading them like commodities. EBR’s Menna Asrat reports.


With the advancement of technologies which pave the way for increasing copyright infringements, the number of album released by singers has been declining for a long time. However, physical copies of music may be starting to see a resurgence as many emerging artists release albums on CDs, despite copyright infringements causing losses. In 2018 alone, more than 20 albums were released, and eight albums hit the shelves so far in 2019. EBR’s Kiya Ali spoke with singers and industry insiders to discover the reasons behind this.

The Harvard Business Review surveyed business leaders in 2014 to know if they think employee engagement is a pre – condition for the success of an organization. About 71Pct of them said employee engagement was critical to the business success of their organizations, but only 24Pct of these same leaders said their workforces were highly engaged. This difference is called the engagement gap. The Gallup Employee Engagement Survey revealed that neither employees nor managers are engaged. Only 30Pct of employees are engaged and only 35Pct of managers are engaged at work. This means that if you put 10 people in a room, chances are seven of them are not happy to go to work in the morning. This is alarming!

“Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that is originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory and is based on biological theory which is a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection for species. However, this analogy holds good in all fields, since we are all facing unprecedented challenges in social, economic and environmental domains which needs critical & intelligent thinking. This also holds true for the tech-sector which has become highly intelligent and is aligned itself to the demand of Industry 4.0 (intelligent industry) focusing on innovations, equipped with tools such as Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI0, nano-technology, blockchain, bio-technology, the Internet of Things, Virtual reality, and 3D-printing

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