
British oil and gas explorer, Tullow Oil has confirmed commercial viability of Kenya’s oil and announced that it will start negotiations with the Government on development and production.

Tullow, which has been prospecting with Africa Oil, another Canadian explorer, said that results of drilling, wire line logs and samples of reservoir fluid confirmed a new oil discovery with net pay of over 40 meters in the Auwerwer and Upper Lokhone targets.

Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya agreed to begin issuance of a single tourist visa, aimed at easing and promoting tourism among the three states. The resolution to issue a single visa to tourists came after delegates from the three countries held a two-day long meeting in Kigali on August 1 and 2.

They agreed to charge USD100 per tourist intending to visit the three countries. Each of the three states will claim USD30 from the Single Visa fees while the balance of  USD10 will be set aside for technical operations. The fee would be paid at the point of entry into any of the three countries for up to 90 days.


Kenyan traders of “khat”, a stimulus quite common in East Africa, called for the expulsion of British troops and farmers and a boycott of U.K. products in retaliation to a planned ban on trade of the leaves.

U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May told parliament on July 3 that “khat” will be categorized as a Class C drug, leading to jail terms of as long as two years for possession and 14 years for dealing in it.

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