The Revival of Pan-Africanism

Kudos to the children of Ethiopia and Eritrea who stipulated these inspiring, but also resentful words, which went viral hours after being expressed to now be echoed by tens of millions across the world. Africans—and all Black people for that matter—who are sick and tired of neocolonialists and their non-stop attempts at reasserting their fading hegemony are continuing to welcome the movement. As part of another desperate move by waning Western influences, Ethiopia has once again been targeted at an unprecedented scale and manner as the West continues to take advantage of the current political instability in the country. In undermining the government’s attempts at enforcing law and order against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front’s (TPLF) tyrants, America and its Western allies have impeded on the right for self-governance of the government. They continue to support TPLF as it had served their interests in the Horn of Africa region during the past three decades of power.

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