
With the proliferation of advanced technologies in Ethiopia – like smartphones, tablets and digital cameras – artists have now turned to video art as a medium of expression. Experts agree that video art is an important medium, especially for Ethiopian artists to capture the rapid and complicated nature of economic development. EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo spoke with artists and academicians to learn more about the promise and potential roadblocks facing video art in Ethiopia.


The streets of Addis Ababa and other major cities are filled with beggars – especially rural migrants. Many people are often physically handicapped, unable to provide for their families or lack other options to earn a stable income. Research on the topic finds that begging can be especially detrimental for young children, who often forsake their formal education, furthering the cycle of poverty. However, as EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo reports, there are efforts to quell the factors that lead to begging, but even these programmes face challenges.


Food shortages are still a problem affecting millions of people living in Ethiopia. The problem is perhaps felt most acutely among children, who may suffer an inability to attain information in school due to hunger or malnourishment. A number of organisations are working to improve the situation for hundreds of thousands of school-aged children in an effort to increase educational attainment. EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo spoke with educators and those working to quell child hunger to learn more about the efforts to reduce its prevalence and improve educational outcomes.


A city’s aesthetics refers to the extent to which it is visually pleasing – especially with regard to the unity of its natural and man-made elements as well as harmony in the way buildings and infrastructure are developed. This is especially important for developing countries, many of which are undergoing rapid urbanisation through construction and infrastructure development. Aesthetics are also central to establishing creative industries – especially architecture and design – and can be influential in engendering profitable artistic industries. But is enough being done to consider visual elements in Ethiopia’s urban development? EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo spoke with industry insiders to learn what’s missing from the country’s urban landscape.


Emergency medicine – the branch that deals with undifferentiated, often severe, conditions requiring immediate care – can saves lives after trauma. Studies indicate that expedient medical care, especially in severe cases, can significantly reduce fatalities. These services, however, are lacking in Ethiopia, where patients may wait more than 24 hours to receive treatment in an emergency room. EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo spoke with health care practitioners and government officials to learn more about what’s being done to develop the country’s emergency care infrastructure.


Overseas adoption is the process whereby someone of a particular nationality adopts a child from a different country. For years, Ethiopia has been one of the most popular places whence children are adopted. According to the African Child Forum, it ranked third globally in terms of overseas adoption from 2003-2011. This is due, in part, to relatively lax regulations that govern the adoption process, which some argue may subject children to potential dangers abroad, especially if they aren’t actually orphans. However, as EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo reports, government is working to better regulate the process and find domestic alternatives to overseas adoption.


A Historical Figure Draws, Inspires Audiences

Kake Wurdowet was a woman who lived more than a century ago in the Gurage Zone of what is now the State of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples. Her story is the subject of a play at the National Theatre that’s gained critical acclaim. Wurdowet is renowned for championing women’s rights when it was unorthodox to do so. The play and its central figure have raised questions about the role of theatre in bringing the stories of historical figures to life. EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo spoke with the playwright and theatregoers to learn more about the historical theatrical work and its impact in shaping society.


The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP), which convened in Paris last December, made history as the first time in which a global consensus was reached to flight climate change. Chief among the outcomes of the meeting was increased funding from developed countries to help emerging nations implement programmes to fight and curb carbon emissions. However, these funds haven’t been of much help to African countries, which have had difficulties accessing these monies in the past. In fact, according to the Climate Policy Initiative, countries in Asia and Western Europe received USD 119 billion and USD93 billion, respectively, to pursue green initiatives. Africa, however, only garnered USD2.3 billion for their projects. As the Paris Climate Conference provides new funding opportunities, what needs to take place for countries like Ethiopia to benefit? EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo spoke with insiders to learn more about the challenges of accessing competitive global financing and what’s being done to improve the country’s chances.


According to the Central Statistical Agency (CSA), there are 2.5 million working women of child-bearing age in urban areas in Ethiopia. For many women, they’re the primary or sole breadwinners of their family, which often includes young children. Day-care centres provide women an alternative to hiring maids, relying on family, or having to sacrifice work in order to care for their children. EBR’s adjunct staff writer Meseret Mamo spoke with working mothers, day-care service providers and government officials to learn more about what’s being done to develop and regulate this nascent industry.


Despite the fact that women have achieved greater equality in recent decades with regard to increased employment opportunities, the realm of music performance still remains overwhelmingly dominated by men. This trend isn’t exclusive to Ethiopia: countries in the West also feature predominately male orchestras and bands that perform at prestigious musical venues. EBR’s adjunct writer Meseret Mamo spoke with musicians and explored the issue further to parse through the different explanations behind why women are underrepresented as instrumentalists.

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