top 10 ebr 106

Top 10 Cumulative Infrastructure Investment in Sub-Sahara Africa from 2007 – 2020

In addition to being Africa’s biggest trading partner, China is building the future of the continent’s urban landscapes almost single-handedly. Between 2007 and 2020, China’s two main overseas development banks invested USD23 billion in infrastructure projects on the continent which is USD8 billion more than what the other top eight lenders combined, including the World Bank, African Development Bank, and US and European development banks, contributed.

In some cases, Chinese infrastructure lending has been a risk for African countries, with projects blamed for being sloppily executed, prioritizing the interests of politicians and exporters over local communities, not employing local workers, and piling up unsustainable debt burdens. But on the whole, as per the Center for Global Development’s (CGD) report, Chinese infrastructure investment has been a net benefit to African economies.

The report also finds that between all public lenders, renewable energy projects have attracted more investment than other sector at USD23.5 billion. Transport and fossil fuel energy were the second and third most funded sectors with USD19.3 and 13.5 billion invested, while the telecoms sector took in USD4.6 billion.

Source: : Quartz Africa, Center for Global Development (CGD)

RankInstitutionAmount in Billions (USD)
1China Export-Import Bank20.1
2African Development Bank 4.5
3China Development Bank2.9
4International Finance Corporation 2.4
5US Overseas Private Investment Corporation1.9
6Japan Bank for International Cooperation 1.7
7KfW (German development bank)1.5
8European Investment Bank1.2
9FMO (Dutch development bank)1.1
10World Bank0.9

EBR 10th Year • Apr 2022 • No. 106

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