Top 10 Countries Hit Hard by China’s Slowdown Due to COVID-19

The slowdown of manufacturing in China due to the corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak is disrupting world trade and could result in a USDUS50 billion decrease in exports across global value chains, according to a report published by UNCTAD on March 4, 2020. The most affected is the manufacturing sector, especially producers of precision instruments, machinery, automotive and communication equipments. The most affected economies are the European Union (USD15.6 billion), the United States (USD5.8 billion), Japan (USD5.2 billion), The Republic of Korea (USD3.8 billion), Taiwan Province of China (USD2.6 billion) and Vietnam (USD2.3 billion). The estimated global effects of COVID-19 are subject to change depending on the containment of the virus and changes in the sources of supply. EBR

RankCountriesTrade Impact of COVID-19 (in USD billion)
1United States5.7
3Republic of Korea3.8
6United Kingdom1.9

9th Year • Apr.16 – May.15 2020 • No. 85


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