Top 10 African Countries in the Global Competitiveness Index 2017-2018

Despite the collapse of global commodity price and political instability that have slowed growth in North Africa, most African countries are still moving forward. In fact, Africa was among the world’s fastest growing continent with more than 5Pct average annual rate of growth over the past decade. In 2016, Africa has also become the second most attractive investment destination in the world, standing next to North America, according to the World Bank.

These achievements are due to the increasing competitiveness of African countries that started to improve in recent years. According to Global Competitiveness Report, competitiveness comprises a set of defined institutions, policies and factors that determine the level of productivity of an economy, which in turn sets the level of prosperity a given economy can achieve.

Mauritius, Rwanda and Namibia are among the top ten African countries that managed to improve their investment regime by investing on institutions, infrastructure, health and primary education as well as higher education and training. Countries like Ethiopia, ranked 13th among 34 African countries surveyed in the Global Competitiveness Index also showed improvement in the past decade. Currently, Ethiopia ranked 108 globally among 137 countries.  Ten years ago, Ethiopia’s position was 120 globally among 125 countries.

Rank Country Global Rank
1 Mauritius 45
2 Rwanda 58
3 South Africa 61
4 Botswana 63
5 Morocco 71
6 Algeria 86
7 Namibia 90
8 Kenya 91
9 Tunisia 95
10 Egypt 100

6th Year . November 2017 . No.55


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