Formula for success
If one asks what all people of the world want and pursue in their life, there is only one answer. It is success. Enstien once said, “Character is more important than success”. However, this seems to be a bit of a misconception. Yes, character is very important for an individual. A person may earn respect, they may feel happy and content, or be confident and self aware. But all these virtues must mean one thing. They must mean success. Otherwise, it would mean they earned nothing. Let me elaborate on this. What is success really? People have different definitions of success. Some may call their wealth a success. Others may call their wisdom a success. Yet others may call their status a success. For me, success means one thing: a person getting what they want. If someone is doing what they want to do, if they are where they want to be, if they get what they want, they are successful.
Looking at Einstein’s claim from this perspective, it would be wrong to accept character as more important than success. Rather it would be more helpful and correct to state that character is just a means to an end, which is success.
So how can someone be successful? There is actually a universal formula for success. I will discuss the main components and building blocks of the formula in this article. The five building blocks or variables discussed in this article are Strong Zeal, Great Ambition, Amazing Endurance, Crazy Belief, and Exciting Passion.
Strong zeal. Great things can be easy to achieve or hard to achieve, depending on a person’s zeal. People with strong zeal can achieve any thing they want. Most innovations we take for granted today were once just a nightmare. A lot of discoveries we admire today were once considered impossible. The people responsible for these had the strongest zeal for what they do.
The people who want to love and nurture their zeal are the people who will achieve the most extraordinary things the world has ever achieved. Those who carry their zeal with them through out their lives are those who get and enjoy all the success the world can give them.
Great Ambition. People with strong zeal always instantly create great ambition for them. They usually get obsessed with their environment and the things around them. They always think how to make things better. Their innovative and creative mind gives them important problems and they usually come up with great solutions. They are usually well accustomed to addressing bigger and harder problems the world need a solution to so badly.
This will always give them a great ambition to find their purpose in life. They are wired with the dive and stamina to pursue and follow along with their dreams. The strong foundation that their purpose is built on gives them very far reaching influence and impact. Their contribution serves not just their community, but the planet. Their contagious drive for what they want to achieve in the world multiplies the impact they will bring to the lives of many.
Amazing Endurance. The purposes someone pursues in life can’t be achieved unless they are able to endure what life throws at them. People love an overnight success. Yes, it is possible. But what seems an overnight success is the result of years of ups and downs. People have to keep the passion they have and endure until they achieve what they want.
There will always be lots of difficulties and failures Rather people should learn from their mistakes Crazy Beliefs. It is easy for people to do what they are told. But it is usually difficult to do what hasn’t been done. People with the craziest beliefs are those who achieve the most. The changes they are able to bring to the world are tremendous. The craziest beliefs of Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers and lots of other great achievers have proved amazing innovation and success.
The most innovative things you enjoy today are the result of the craziest beliefs and thoughts of the greatest and successful people the world has seen.
Exciting Passion. If people are not excited with what they are doing, they need to rethink their work. No one has ever achieved success, or any thing worthy for that matter, without the exciting passion they have inside.
Success is not about reaching somewhere with an ultrasonic jet. In fact, it is more like climbing the Himalayas. It is hard, but it should be exciting. It is difficult, but it should be rewarding. It is scary, but it should be fun. Passion is what makes sure it stays this way.
8th Year • Apr.16 – May.15 2019 • No. 73