
Currency Difference Deter Moyale One Stop Border Trade

“Kenyan drivers and traders are in problem because Ethiopian banks are refusing to accept Kenyan shilling,” said Mercy Ireri, secretary of Kenyan Transporters Association, during when Kenyan business delegation discussed with Ethiopian counterparts on September 15, 2021, at Radisson Blu hotel, Addis Ababa.

Customs commissioners of the two countries signed procedures of customs operational manuals on the operationalization of Moyale one stop border post (OSBP) on the day.

Though the post already started operation, banks, trade and industry, immigration, transport and other stakeholders remain vacant on the Ethiopian side, according to the Kenyan delegates.

“we will immediately discuss with the respective institutions, including central banks of Ethiopia,” said Azezew Chane, deputy commissioner at Ethiopian Customs Commission (ECC).


Ashenafi Endale

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