
An “instant” or “serviced” office is one that is fully equipped and managed by a company that then rents it out to individuals and businesses. Although instant offices are often found in cities worldwide, it is a new phenomenon in Ethiopia. Driven by the increasing number of foreign investors, business travelers, startup businesses, and non-profit organizations, the business model is now gaining momentum. EBR’s Mikiyas Tesfaye explores the issue.


Yara International is a Norwegian fertilizer company with clients in about 150 countries, including Ethiopia. Two months ago the company signed an agreement with the Ethiopian government to mine potash in the Danakil Depression, in the state of Afar. Furthermore, an agreement was also signed with the Development Fund of Norway to fund the training of locals in the region. The project is expected produce up to 600,000 tons of potash per year when it becomes operational. EBR’s Mikiyas Tesfaye talks to Esben Tuman, Vice President Corporate Communications, Yara International.


Former journalist Bereket  Belayneh, 33, is a poet and writer of the satirical hit, Eyayu Fungus. The one-man show, a comedy filled with scathing criticisms of the government, and society, has been entertaining audiences for three years. EBR’s Mikiyas Tesfaye sat down with Bereket to talk about the role of comedy and humor in Ethiopian society and theater.


In a country where disability is perceived as inability by many, there are few people who demystify this old established stereotype. Indeed Yetnebersh Nigussie is one among these very few brave personalities. The 35 years old advocate of human rights, inclusiveness and gender equality lost her eyesight at the age of five. 

However, her disability has never deterred her from moving up in education. It did little to stop her from rising to global prominence. It indeed didn’t hamper her from achieving her dreams and aspirations, and making contributions to the betterment of societies.


Ethiopia is endowed with extensive natural resources such as fertile soil, abundant water resources and favorable climatic condition that make the country suitable for the development of different varieties of flowers, vegetables, fruits and herbs. Despite this, the country has not benefited from the sector as expected. 

Lack of adequate attention given to the sector by the government, years of insufficient investment by the private sector, and the absence of skilled human resource and technologies are among the major factors that thwart the country from reaping the benefits of its potential in the sub sector.

To avert the trend, Ethiopia, the second largest flower exporter in Africa after Kenya, recently launched the National Horticulture Development and Transaction Strategy. The strategy highlights the plan to create conducive environment for modernized horticulture development. EBR’s Mikiyas Tesfaye has gone through the document and conversed with major stakeholders to offer this report.


In Ethiopia, coffee is a means of  economic gains for close to 30Pct of the population. Despite being among the top coffee producing countries in the world, Ethiopia lags behind in export earnings. In fact, export revenue from coffee only increased by 22.7Pct to USD882 million from USD719 million seven years ago. Part of the problem is the decline of price observed in the international market especially since 2011, which had adverse effect on the country’s earning. To reverse the situation, the Ethiopia government has been focusing on boosting the volume of export of raw green coffee in the past, which has low value globally compared with roasted coffee. However, there have been interventions in legislations and institutional setups that facilitate the environment for local value adding accompanies in the sector. EBR’s Mikiyas Tesfaye explores Ethiopia’s expedition towards exporting roasted coffee that has more than twofold value compared with the traditional raw green coffee in the international market.


Despite its huge potential, little attention has been given for the coffee sub sector in Ethiopia, in which close to 30Pct of the population are engaged directly and indirectly. But in recent years, government started to step up in order to boost coffee production and export as well as promoting value added coffee. One of the steps is re-establishing the Ethiopian Coffee & Tea Development and Marketing Authority last year. The Authority, which is accountable to Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, is expected to enhance the sector’s development as well as making Ethiopian coffee and tea products competent in the global market. EBR’s Mikiyas Tesfaye spoke to Sani Redi, Director General of the Authority, about the changes that are coming to the coffee sub sector.

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